International Botanical Congress

International Botanical Congress (IBC) is an international meeting of botanists in all scientific fields, authorized by the International Association of Botanical and Mycological Societies (IABMS) and held every six years, with the location rotating between different continents. The current numbering system for the congresses starts from the year 1900; the XVIII IBC was held in Melbourne, Australia, 24–30 July 2011,[1] and the XIX IBC will be held in Shenzhen, China, 23-29 July, 2017.[2]

The IBC has the power to alter the ICN (International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants), which was renamed from the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) at the XVIII IBC. Formally the power resides with the Plenary Session; in practice this approves the decisions of the Nomenclature Section. The Nomenclature Section meets before the actual Congress and deals with all proposals to modify the Code: this includes ratifying recommendations from sub-committees on conservation. To reduce the risk of a hasty decision the Nomenclature Section adopts a 60% majority requirement for any change not already recommended by a committee.


The first International Botanical Congress to consider matters of nomenclature was organized by la Société botanique de France, and took place in Paris in August 1867, with one of its principal purposes to establish laws of botanical nomenclature.[3] The laws adopted were based on those prepared by Alphonse de Candolle. A second meeting took place in Genoa in 1892, which made some small changes to the laws of nomenclature.[4] Subsequent meetings are as follows:

[5][6] Year City Country Major actions
I 1900 Paris  France Decisions on nomenclature deferred
II 1905 Vienna  Austria First binding Rules of Nomenclature; French became the official language of the meeting; requirement for Latin plant descriptions from 1908 onwards
III 1910 Brussels  Belgium
IV 1926 Ithaca  United States Decisions on nomenclature deferred
V 1930 Cambridge  United Kingdom The type method incorporated; Latin requirement deferred until 1932
VI 1935 Amsterdam  Netherlands
VII 1950 Stockholm  Sweden
VIII 1954 Paris  France
IX 1959 Montreal  Canada
X 1964 Edinburgh  United Kingdom
XI 1969 Seattle  United States
XII 1975 Leningrad  Soviet Union
XIII 1981 Sydney  Australia
XIV 1987 Berlin  Germany
XV 1993 Tokyo  Japan Moves towards registration of plant names; extensive re-arrangement of the nomenclature code
XVI 1999 St. Louis  United States Refinement of type requirements; illustrations as types mostly forbidden from 1958; morphotaxa for fossils. Proposals defeated included the BioCode and registration of plant names
XVII 2005 Vienna  Austria Morphotaxa and regular taxa for fossils; illustrations as types mostly forbidden from 2007; glossary added to the code of nomenclature
XVIII 2011 Melbourne  Australia Electronic publication permitted; registration of fungal names; English or Latin descriptions from 2012; the concepts of anamorph and teleomorph (for fungi) and morphotaxa (for fossils) eliminated

External links


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ {{cite book|url=|title=Actes du Congrés international de botanique tenu a Paris en août 1867, sous les auspices de la Société botanique de France (1867)|author=[[Alphonse de Candolle|year=1867}}
  4. ^ Atti del Congresso botanico internazionale di Genova 1892 (1893). 
  5. ^ "History of IBC". Retrieved 2006-08-10. 
  6. ^ Nicolson, D.H. (1991). "A History of Botanical Nomenclature". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 78 (1): 33–56.